How to correctly price your course You have definitely experienced for yourself how important price is to you as a consumer, and it is easy to know how much you are willing to pay for a product or service. What can be more difficult, however, is knowing what one...
What happened in 2020? 2020 has been a challenging year where we had to change a lot regarding how and where we work, like so many others. But this year has brought us many new experiences and great moment. We wanted to share with you some of our best moments from...
The FrontCore Team’s Best Tips! With over 20 years of experience, we at FrontCore have built up a comprehensive database of knowledge when it comes to courses and training. We have been in contact with 2700 course providers, and thus, learned a few tips from the...
Do you need both LMS and TMS? Both LMS, Learning Management System, and TMS, Training Management System, also referred to as course administration, are an important part of a well-functioning course business. There are so many types of software you need, so is it...
Professor of online education: Online education is more than webinars, conferences and video lectures The training industry is constantly evolving, and input and experience from experts in the field is more important than ever to stay up-to-date! We spoke with a...
Over 2600 course providers use solutions from FrontCore – and that’s not without reason. FrontCore is one of Norway’s leading competence environments within course web marketing and cloud systems for course administration. With over 18 years of experience from the course industry and our finger on the market pulse continuously, we help course providers achieve more efficient operations and higher revenue.