
Get Inspired by TED Talks Related To Courses and Training

by | Aug 6, 2020 | Tools

Do you need inspiration or want some new and refreshing perspectives? Two years ago, we published a blog post outlining four TED talks tailored to those working in the training and education industry. You can read the post “Must See” TED Talks for professionals in theTraining and Education industry HEREI have picked out four new and rewarding videos that I believe course and training providers should see and get inspiration from. In addition, I have written an introduction to each of the videos. 

If you have not already read our previous post and are unsure of what TED talks are:

A TEDx Talk is a showcase for speakers where they can present good and well-crafted ideas in under 18 minutes.

This may be something new and groundbreaking, or simply a good idea the audience may have already heard, but with a new argument that challenges their point of view.

You can read more about the concept behind TEDx Talks HERE.  

The Revolution of Online Learning – Daphne Koller

In this video, Professor Daphne Koller discusses the importance of online learning and introduces, among other things, the difficulty of the right to schooling in South Africa, where education and learning are certainly not readily available. Koller also explains the high costs of higher education in countries where this is more readily available. Costs have nearly doubled since 1985, making education unaffordable for many people.

Based on this, Koller and Co-founder of Coursera, Andrew Ng, have made courses from top universities available online for free. This is as an act of service, but also to investigate how people learn best.

The professor brings astonishing results: The online courses were supplied by three major Stanford classes, each of which had the capacity of 100,000 people, or more. The same course offered at the university has a capacity of 400. If Andrew were to reach the same target group in a physical classroom, as in an online course, he would have to teach the same material for 250 years. Learn more about why you should invest in online courses here:

Let’s use video to reinvent education – Sal Khan

Educator and entrepreneur Salman Khan, also known as Sal Khan, talks about how and why he created Khan Academy. The academy consists of informative videos in several disciplines, but started as a mathematics-only platform.

The journey began in 2004 when he created video maths tutorials for his cousins. He then released some of the videos publicly, before the engagement around the videos increased. Twelve years later, Khan had his own company, with more than 42 million registered users from 190 countries.

Khan explains how to give students and course participants some kind of opposite teaching using video teaching in the video below:

Sugata Mitra – Build a school in the cloud

Professor of educational technology, Suga Mitra, has a slightly different angle on how learning should take place, and wonders how future learning will be. He believes schools as we know them today are outdated and that we may not need to go to school if we can look up topics in minutes. With his “Hole in the wall” experiment, he has proven how children can explore and learn from each other using a machine, resources and guidance from the cloud.

He says, among other things: “We need to look at learning as a product of self-organizing education. If you allow the educational process to be self-organizing, learning occurs. It’s not about making learning happen, but allowing learning to happen”.

Watch Mitra’s inspirational lecture on self-organized learning environments here:


The one thing all good teachers do – Nick Furham

Doctor Nick Fuhrman discusses what qualities we should look for in good teachers. The lecture provides inspiration for the personal impact we can have on others – both inside and outside the classroom.

Watch the video to learn the secrets to becoming a great teacher:




How can AR completely change education? – Florian Radke

We have previously discussed the development of technology and how this has affected learning methods on our blog.The article Is VR training more efficient than other learning methods? is an example of this. In this talk, Florian Radke addresses exactly this.

Among other things, he talks about how AR is not a toy, but a powerful instrument that will help solve the world’s biggest problems.

He also explains how we can create a platform for teaching, human contact and productivity through AR: “Through AR we can create incredible things. We want to improve education and productivity.”



Were you inspired by one or more of the lectures? Have you ever thought about some of the things they mention in the videos? Feel free to share other relevant TED Talks for courses and training providers in the comment section below.


- 117 sample questions in different categories

- How to achieve high response rate

- How to get high quality feedback

- How to effectively collect evaluations

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Author: Eline Hagene

Author: Eline Hagene

Marketing Manager

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