
6 Reasons to Use Podcasts as a Marketing Tool for Your Training

by | Jan 4, 2020 | Marketing

Man and woman use podcasts as a marketing tool

Finding a digital marketing tool that can capture the potential participant of your training can feel awkward. The podcast market in Norway is currently growing rapidly. And the number of listeners is growing with the number of podcasts. Do you want to increase brand awareness for your training using audio media? Below are 6 reasons that support why you should invest in using podcast as a marketing tool.

I reckon you know what a podcast is? If not:
A Podcast, also referred to as a pod, is an edited audio file that is distributed on the Internet. Such audio file can be downloaded to smartphone, tablets and the like. The audio files often come in a collection of several episodes, which in their entirety can constitute an entire series.


Growing market

According to Ipsos, the share of podcasts monthly has increased from 24% at the beginning of 2017 to 37% in the second quarter of 2019.

In other words, the market is experiencing tremendous growth. This means that you as a training provider now have more opportunities to communicate effectively with your potential customers by promoting courses with podcasts.

Remember that good content marketing is about telling a story, and what is more natural than using a method that is focused on storytelling?


Increase brand awareness with podcasts

It is important for you, as a training provider, to communicate the uniqueness of your training offer. This makes your training remarkable and easy to remember. In turn, this helps distinguish you from your competitors in the market.

Using podcast in course marketing, the listener quickly becomes familiar with your brand.

When a potential participant listens to you regularly, the listener will establish a personal relationship with you and your training. The program manager will be associated with the brand, which in turn will be associated with the training offered. This creates a personal relationship between the customer and the training.

You as a training provider should grab the microphone yourself and communicate openly and directly with your potential participants. By inviting specialists, this will increase the confidence and credibility of the training.

Podcasting is an unfiltered method of communicating. Among other things, it is a way to bring the participant into a corner for good conversations and lessons. The listener is taken on a journey of emotion that lies behind the training provider.


Reach an existing audience

Using audio files as a marketing channel, makes it possible for you to are communicate directly with your potential participants. And you do not need to be afraid that your marketing efforts are reaching an irrelevant audience.

This medium is not like an advertising poster you happen to pass on the street and choose to ignore. Once the listener has pressed play on the pod, the message will be sent directly to the listener. The advantage of podcasting as a marketing channel is that the message is captured in a different way, in that the person listening is more conscious and interested in what they are listening to. Usually, the listener is so interested in the subject that they like to play several episodes.


Jente hører på podcast på kollektiv transport


Easily accessible to the customer

Using podcast as a marketing tool is sustainable. Your prospective participants can listen to the message whenever and wherever they want. They can even choose from several devices, such as smartphones, tablets and PCs.

Today, we are constantly seeing people walking with ear plugs, regardless of where they are. On the bus, in the woods, in the shop, and even at home in bed. The customer does not rely on a screen to receive the message, and does not need to be physically present at a particular time.

Did you know that these are the three typical scenarios listeners are usually in when listening to a Podcast?

  • When traveling on public transport (44%)
  • During a walking outside (36%)
  • While doing housework/cooking (32%)

Source: IPSOS


Efficient to produce

An audio file is not only readily available to the customer. It is also easy to produce for you as a training provider. All you need to create a good pod is a microphone, an editing tool, and a publishing channel. It is thus efficient to produce, without sacrificing marketing costs.


Podcasts as a training tool

Once you start using podcast as a marketing tool, why not share the core competencies you and your colleagues have, by using it as a training tool?

This makes the training more flexible for the participant, in that the participant can complete the training whenever and wherever they want.

Our customer, Utdannet.no, has chosen to hold free courses through podcasts. They offer courses in Adobe programs and Google Adwords. Some episodes last no longer than five minutes. This keeps the attention of the participant and makes them want to learn more on the following episode. Holding courses in a format like this contributes to increased recruitment to online training, which is Utdannet.no’s main product. This way you can get more participants using podcasts.

Utdannet.no bruker podcast som opplæringsverktøy


Join the trend

In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, it is an advantage to not depend on the participant to attend your courses physically. Using podcast as a marketing tool will make the recipient feel like they are sitting around the table participating in the conversation, regardless of where they are. Join the trend and use podcast as a marketing tool today!

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Author: Mari Carlsen

Author: Mari Carlsen

Content Manager

Mari is a digital content writer for FrontCore, and helps training providers to achieve a profitable training business. She has a bachelor's degree in Communication Management from BI Business School and is passionate about communication. Mari is also Inbound certified through the HubSpot Academy. Visit Mari's LinkedIn profile here.