“Must-see” TED Talks for Professionals in the Training and Education Industry

by | Sep 12, 2019 | Tools

TED Talks for courses and education

Is it time to start thinking in new ways? Do you need something that stirs your curiosity, gives you new ideas, changes your perspective or shows you what’s possible? I’ve picked out four TED Talks for professionals you should definitely watch for inspiration if you work in the training and education industry!

Although I have written an introduction to each speech, the real value lies in watching the videos. If you want to get some new ideas, I recommend bringing out pen and paper.


What is TED and what are TED Talks?

If you are not already aware of what TED is for something, here’s a little introduction.

TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading ideas around the world. This usually occurs in the form of short, powerful speeches of 18 minutes or less. You can read more about the format of TED talks here.

Although TED’s focus area started with technology, entertainment and design, today the organization covers almost every topic you can think of in more than 100 languages. In addition to the global approach, independent TEDx events are organized that focus on communities around the world.

Now over to what will open your eyes…


Ramsey Musallam – 3 rules for promoting learning

Chemistry teacher Rasmey Musallam shares how a life-threatening illness led him to a true understanding of teaching. Inspired by the surgeon who saved his life, he came up with 3 rules to inspire learning.

Rasmey urges us to embrace curiosity, not to fear the messy process of trial and error, and to practice reflection.

Although Rasmey’s TED Talk is primarily aimed at school education, his message is at least as inspiring to those who pursue training and education outside the school system. We need to go from being content providers to arousing curiosity and getting others to reflect.

Christopher Emdin – Teach teachers how to create magic

What do rap shows and Sunday church services have in common? As Christopher Emdin says in his TED talk: They manage to entertain and teach at the same time.This is a skill that is often not given much focus when it comes to educating those who are going to teach others.

In her Ted talk, Emdin talks about her vision of bringing the classroom to life.

Melissa Marshall – Talk nerdy to me

Melissa Marshall’s TED talk is originally a message to all researchers that us, “non-scientists”, are interested in the work of researchers. We want to learn what they are doing and we want to be told about it in a way we can understand. In just 4 minutes, she shares powerful tips on presenting complex ideas to a general audience.

In the course and training industry, there are often complex ideas to be disseminated. In other words, you can use these tips even if you are not a researcher!

Diana Nyad – Never, ever give up

Although this does not have a direct link to courses and training, most people can learn a lot from Diana Nyad.

With four unsuccessful attempts to swim across the extreme, 100-mile stretch between Cuba and Florida behind her, and in spite of jellyfish, sharks and hallucinations, she finally managed to achieve a healthy life goal at the age of 64 (!).

Diana’s story is a reminder to think big, set goals and accept to fail along the way towards achieving the goal.

No matter what kind of minefields you have to cross, you will be able to reach your goals if you have a strong plan, take responsibility and commit yourself to achieving them.

Let this video inspire you to continue working towards your own goals as a professional in the training and education industry.

Were you inspired by any of the videos? Do you have a good TED Talk yourself that you would like to recommend to professionals in the training and education industry?Feel free to share in the comments section!

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Author: Eline Hagene

Author: Eline Hagene

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  • Portrait of Eline Hagene

    Eline Hagene is the Senior Marketing Manager at FrontCore, where she is responsible for marketing solutions that help training providers achieve growth and streamline their training and learning management. With a bachelor's degree in marketing management from BI Norwegian Business School and over seven years of experience in the training and education industry, Eline has specialized in inbound marketing, SEO and content strategy. She is passionate about showcasing how smart digital tools can contribute to increased visibility, more participants, and more efficient operations for training providers. Eline is eager to share insights, trends, and experiences to inspire professionals in the industry.

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