Find the Best Keywords for Your Training Business

by | Jun 16, 2019 | Training

Find the best keywords for your training business

Which keywords and search phrases do your potential training participants use when searching for courses and training in Google and other search engines? How do you find these words and phrases, so that your training business can use these in its search engine optimization to get more participants? In this blog post, we briefly explain why you should spend time on SEO and keyword planning, as well as presenting four useful tools you can, and should, use in your keyword planning.

How to incorporate the keywords to your website? Read our blog post about using keywords in SEO here!


Why spend time on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and keyword planning?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is about using methods that result in your website achieving better visibility or placement on the search engine results pages. SEO is based on thorough keyword planning, as the use of the right keywords will increase the organic traffic to your site within a few months. Better visibility gives more clicks on your page, which in turn, will result in an increased number of registrations to your training. In other words, it is a very good idea to spend time finding the keywords and search phrases your potential participants use when conducting their searches using different search engines.


Free SEO Keyword Planning Tool

There are many tools that you can use to plan keywords and to find new keywords that will increase traffic to your website. Some tools are free, while others cost money.

In this blog post we will present four free tools for planning keywords that we ourselves use and that we think can benefit your training business. All of these tools allow you to carry out keyword planning in Norwegian, which is a great advantage if you are targeting the Norwegian market.

Google AdWords Keyword Planner


Google AdWords Keyword Planner, is perhaps the most well-known tool for keyword planning. The keyword planner gives you search volume data and competitive data on your keywords, suggests new keyword ideas and gives you predictions of what it will cost to set up campaigns in AdWords on your keywords.

To use Google Keyword Planner, you need an AdWords account. You do not have to pay for Google campaigns to use the keyword planner, but without payment you will not get accurate search volume data. This brings us to the next keyword planning tool:



Ubersuggest shows you the same things as Google Keyword Planner, but with a higher degree of accuracy, without having to pay for advertising in Google Adwords.

There are several benefits to this tool:

  • In addition to new keyword suggestions, you get accurate search volume, average cost-per-click (CRP), and competitiveness.
  • By moving the arrow over the statistics sign next to the numbers you see in the table, you can easily see how the search volume of the keyword varies from month to month, as well as how many clicks are made on different placements in both organic search and in advertising.

Answer the Public

Skjermbilde-Answerthepublic is, in my opinion, the best search term tool (a keyword phrase that contains at least three words and is used to reach a narrower market, rather than a mass audience). The tool is based on the automatic suggestions that Google and Bing suggest when someone conducts a search in a given search engine.

When you enter a keyword in the search field of, you get a number of different suggestions for questions and phrases related to that particular keyword. In this way, you gain insight into which searches are made in connection with the keyword, and thus, you also get a better understanding of the motives of those who perform the searches in the search engines. The keyword phrases from Answer the Public therefore work as content planning ideas, as well as for keyword optimization. Here you see the variety of suggestions for search phrases that come up when you conduct a search on the keyword “Coaching”:


P.S: The frontpage of Answer the Public is, by the way, so nice that it is almost disturbing.

SemRush Keyword Magic Tool


SemRush is a powerful SEO tool that is useful for both keyword planning and a host of other SEO related things. Right now, SemRush beta tests a new tool called “SemRush Keyword Magic Tool”. So far, the tool is free of charge, but this will expire when the beta period is over. It does not mean, however, that we should not take advantage of the fact that the tool is free now!

With the magic keyword tool, you can enter keywords and bring up a number of keyword ideas that you can sort by search volume, competitiveness, and average keyword advertising cost, among other things.

The uniqueness of this tool is that you can also see how difficult it will be to outperform your competition on this particular keyword difficulty (Keyword difficulty index). This gives you the opportunity to consider whether you actually want to place a bet on this particular keyword or whether it would be worthwhile to spend time ranking well on another keyword.

In Semrush, you also get more accurate results than the results you get in the free version of Google Keyword Planner.

If you already use other SemRush tools, the keywords you find in the SemRush Keyword Magic Tool can easily be transferred to these tools.


Get started

Try out the various keyword planning tools and see which ones you like best. Do you use any other good tools to find good keywords? Please leave a comment in the comments below!

Learn how to get better visibility in the search engines by using the keywords in your search engine optimization here!

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Author: Eline Hagene

Author: Eline Hagene

Inbound Marketing Manager

Eline produces content to help training providers achieve a more efficient and profitable day. She is certified in the Inbound methodology through Hubspot and has completed a Bachelor of Marketing management at BI Norwegian School of Management. Visit Eline’s LinkedIn profile here.

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