The 8 Key Ingredients for Successful Course and Training Companies

by | Jun 29, 2019 | Marketing

8 key ingredients for successful course and training companies

In FrontCore, we work with different course and training companies from a wide spectrum of industries on an everyday basis. Despite the broad range of training opportunities offered, we often see common traits between the quality offered by successful course and training companies.

The approaches, methods, and processes of these businesses form a concrete recipe for success. What are the key components of the recipe for an exceptionally successful business, you ask?

In this blog post, we highlight 8 ingredients that we often see in successful training companies.


1. They are innovative

Firstly, successful course and training companies are often leaders in their industries. They are not happy to follow the flow – they take calculated risks and test the water by trying out new things. Unlike many in the training industry, these businesses are not afraid of change. They embrace it.

These companies have their finger on the pulse of both their own industry and the training industry, and they are following new trends and contributing to industry discussions. Because they are able to implement a “bigger picture” approach to their business, they are not afraid to fail on the road to success. As a matter of fact, one can learn something new from failure.


2. They do not procrastinate

John F. Kennedy said, “We must treat time as a tool, not as a sofa.” While many yearn for more than the 24 hours we have per day, our only alternative is to be more effective in how we spend the time we have. And that’s exactly what successful training providers have noticed. They do not postpone things and they do not waste worthless hours. They get things done!

When tasks seem to take too long, when the manual processes become too many or when the frustration level becomes too high, they immediately look at their options. They find process improvements, better systems, new tools and ways to automate things. “But that’s the way we’ve always done it” is no excuse to keep the  time wasting processes for these companies.


3. They challenge themselves

A winning training provider is one that never settles. One that loves to be challenged and who always sees the opportunity to develop and become even better. Instead of letting things get stuck in a rut when they seem to work well, they are constantly looking for potential ways to improve.

These providers demand constructive feedback from their customers constantly. The more detailed the better. They use this feedback for continuous improvement. Every single scheduled training is a new opportunity to deliver the training in an even better way than last time.

By taking charge and asking for honest feedback instead of waiting for customers to come up with difficult questions and criticisms, these companies are better prepared and appear more open to improvement.


4. They are unique

A winning provider is one that never settles. One that loves to be challenged and who always sees the opportunity to develop and become even better. Instead of letting things get stuck in a rut when they seem to work well, they are constantly looking for potential ways to improve.

These successful course and training companies demand constructive feedback from their customers constantly. The more detailed the better. They use this feedback for continuous improvement. Every single scheduled training is a new opportunity to deliver the training in an even better way than last time.

By taking charge and asking for honest feedback instead of waiting for customers to come up with difficult questions and criticisms, these companies are better prepared and appear more open to improvement.

Please read our blog post about how you can stand out amongst your competitors here.


5. They communicate

Successful course and training companies are well versed in their own industry language. They know how to adapt communication to customers, prospects, and industry colleagues, and understand that proper communication is a very important ingredient to be considered as experts in their field.

These providers maintain a strong customer dialogue through regular updates of their own website, blog and e-mail marketing. Furthermore, they also market their training on platforms where they reach their potential customer group.

An important characteristic of the course companies that achieve success is that communication not only goes one way. They contribute to discussion in social media, they ask questions and answer questions in their network, comment on blog posts and share their own experiences and insights.


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6. They are accredited and/or create trust in other ways

In the industries that value accreditation of course holders, we see that the most successful course and training providers are accredited. This is a stamp of quality that conveys to potential partners and customers that the course activities satisfy the requirements set for achieving accreditation.

This type of approval scheme does not exist in all industries. In industries without such schemes, we see that the businesses that have the most success use other methods to create trust with potential customers and partners. One widely used method is to enforce positive customer reviews.


7.They cooperate well with suppliers and partners

Smart suppliers of training know that learning and development often occurs best through collaboration. That is why the most popular providers are also good at collaborating with their suppliers and partners. They are able to benefit from the learnings of others and have more legs to stand on, should a problem occur.

This is one of the reasons why we at FrontCore are happy with both feedback and requests for new functions in our training administration solution. Many of the providers we work closely with contribute with valuable feedback that we bring with us into the development of our solution. This is positive for both the provider, FrontCore and FrontCore’s other customers.

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8. They invest in their employees

All businesses that understand the value of continuous learning and development invest in improving the skills of their own employees. A hallmark of course companies that really achieve success is that employees in the business are not only passionate about what they are doing but are also constantly getting the opportunity to develop their own skills.


Important ingredients, but not a complete recipe

All of these key ingredients are not written in a recipe for success, nor constitute a complete list of ingredients, however, we find that many of these points are present with the course and training providers that, year after year, achieve great success.

If you work in the course and training industry, you are probably already familiar with many of the points we have mentioned in this blog post. Nevertheless, there may be an opportunity for you to add one or two of these ingredients to your business recipe to achieve greater success.

Are you interested in knowing how FrontCore can help you run a more profitable training business? Book a demo to chat with one of our product experts or try FrontCore for free!

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Over 2600 training providers use solutions from FrontCore – and that’s not without reason. FrontCore is one of Norway’s leading competence environments within web marketing and cloud systems for training management. With over 18 years of experience from the training industry and our finger on the market pulse continuously, we help training providers achieve more efficient operations and higher revenue.

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Author: Eline Hagene

Author: Eline Hagene

Inbound Marketing Manager

Eline produces content to help training providers achieve a more efficient and profitable course day. She is certified in the Inbound methodology through Hubspot and has completed a Bachelor of Marketing management at BI Norwegian School of Management. Visit Eline’s LinkedIn profile here.

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How to create an online course?

Creating an online course offers scalability, low costs, and passive income potential. Learn how to do it in 8 steps—from picking the perfect topic to marketing your course. Ready to turn your expertise into a thriving business? Start building and selling your course today!

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